Well, I don't know about you, but December for me went into a big black hole of holiday festivities. But it's almost the New Year, and you know what that means: time to resolve to start working on your writing again!
I'd like to celebrate what our NaNoProgMos did in November, and invite you to continue making progress with us in January!
Impressive November progress
Here are the writerly participants who joined us for our November journey and their respective daily goals:1. Lauren @ LaurenWayne. com / Hobo Mama = 2 hrs per dayVisit |
2. Tree @ Mom Grooves . com / Write On! Mom = 1 hr. per day finishing novelVisit |
3. Stephen @ Poptrope . net = 1 hr. per day finishing novelVisit |
4. Zoie @ TouchstoneZ - 30 minutes per dayVisit |
5. Moorea@ Mamalady- 30per dayVisit |
6. From My Mind to the Page: 1 hr per dayVisit |
7. Lisa @ My World Edenwild = 15 min/day or moreVisit |
8. Renae - 1 hour per dayVisit |
Here are some results and updates from all of us, as I could find them, in order as above:
Lauren @ LaurenWayne. com / Hobo Mama = 2 hrs per day: 60.25 hours. I made it! I can hardly believe it, but I worked over 60 hours on my mystery novel and the NPN cloth diapering book in November. Here are some posts I wrote about the experience:
- Progress on NaNoProgMo: Halfway or two-thirds? — what I learned about faling headlong into the world of my novel, the dearth of description, and the fear of failure
- #NaNoProgMo: Stop talking and do it:
I'm 2 hours from the end of my goal on this last day, so barring major malfunctions (pray not), I'm confident I'll complete my 60-hour editing goal for November. It wasn't glamorous, but every day I sat at my computer, and I did it. I put in my time, and I made progress.
So, wherever you are in your progress today, I encourage you to figure out what you want — what you really, really want, right now — and do it. One foot in front of the other, in as little or as much time as you can commit, make tangible progress toward your goal.
This is mine, and I'm owning it:
Tree @ Mom Grooves.com / Write On! Mom = 1 hr. per day finishing novel: 6.5 hours. Woot!
- NaNoProgMo…. How’s your “Prog”?:
I want to encourage everyone participating with us for NaNoProgMo (or anyone who wants to start now!) to pick up your proverbial pen and finish the month writing. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or have not done so far. I doubt anyone can be as far behind as I am, so let’s bring up the rear together!
- NaNoProgMo and Beyond!:
I came nowhere near my goal, and that bums me out. However, I’m not one to dwell on the negative and I’m really good at praising the tiniest victory in myself, so I give this month a huge thumbs up. I’ve re-connected with my novel and we’d been estranged for oh so long.
What’s pertinent is this. Progress will continue. My novel lives, my writer self lives. Time to settle into the long term care and feeding of both.
Here's your certificate, Tree!