
NaNoProgMo: Ready to make some more progress on your novel?

Hosted by Lauren from LaurenWayne.com / Hobo Mama
and Teresa from Write On, Mom! / Mom Grooves

Well, I don't know about you, but December for me went into a big black hole of holiday festivities. But it's almost the New Year, and you know what that means: time to resolve to start working on your writing again!

I'd like to celebrate what our NaNoProgMos did in November, and invite you to continue making progress with us in January!

Impressive November progress

Here are the writerly participants who joined us for our November journey and their respective daily goals:
Lauren @ LaurenWayne. com / Hobo Mama = 2 hrs per dayVisit
Tree @ Mom Grooves . com / Write On! Mom = 1 hr. per day finishing novelVisit
Stephen @ Poptrope . net = 1 hr. per day finishing novelVisit
Zoie @ TouchstoneZ - 30 minutes per dayVisit
Moorea@ Mamalady- 30per dayVisit
From My Mind to the Page: 1 hr per dayVisit
Lisa @ My World Edenwild = 15 min/day or moreVisit
Renae - 1 hour per dayVisit


Here are some results and updates from all of us, as I could find them, in order as above:

Lauren @ LaurenWayne. com / Hobo Mama = 2 hrs per day: 60.25 hours. I made it! I can hardly believe it, but I worked over 60 hours on my mystery novel and the NPN cloth diapering book in November. Here are some posts I wrote about the experience:
  • Progress on NaNoProgMo: Halfway or two-thirds? — what I learned about faling headlong into the world of my novel, the dearth of description, and the fear of failure
  • #NaNoProgMo: Stop talking and do it:
    I'm 2 hours from the end of my goal on this last day, so barring major malfunctions (pray not), I'm confident I'll complete my 60-hour editing goal for November. It wasn't glamorous, but every day I sat at my computer, and I did it. I put in my time, and I made progress.

    So, wherever you are in your progress today, I encourage you to figure out what you want — what you really, really want, right now — and do it. One foot in front of the other, in as little or as much time as you can commit, make tangible progress toward your goal.

This is mine, and I'm owning it:

Tree @ Mom Grooves.com / Write On! Mom = 1 hr. per day finishing novel: 6.5 hours. Woot!
  • NaNoProgMo…. How’s your “Prog”?:
    I want to encourage everyone participating with us for NaNoProgMo (or anyone who wants to start now!) to pick up your proverbial pen and finish the month writing. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or have not done so far. I doubt anyone can be as far behind as I am, so let’s bring up the rear together!
  • NaNoProgMo and Beyond!:
    I came nowhere near my goal, and that bums me out. However, I’m not one to dwell on the negative and I’m really good at praising the tiniest victory in myself, so I give this month a huge thumbs up. I’ve re-connected with my novel and we’d been estranged for oh so long.

    What’s pertinent is this. Progress will continue. My novel lives, my writer self lives. Time to settle into the long term care and feeding of both.
I love that last thought! That's what progress is all about — nurturing the writer that you are.

Here's your certificate, Tree!

Stephen @ Poptrope.net = 1 hr. per day finishing novel — how did it go for you, Stephen?

No matter what, you have earned your certificate!

Zoie @ TouchstoneZ - 30 minutes per day — who was also doing NaBloPoMo, where you post on your blog once a day!
  • Going off Balance on Purpose:
    The NaNoProgMo experiment proved to be about half editing and half writing. When I’m tired, I dislike editing with the fire of a thousand suns. And guess what time of night (er, early morning) I was editing? So, if I’m counting hours spent on my book in dog years (which I’m going to because I was a really b*tching during the process) then this puppy far exceeded expectations.

    I feel that there’s the possibility of completing this book one day. Although, I’m planning to put it aside for awhile to work on other ideas, I leave it knowing I’m capable of working on it when I want to.

    I went completely off-balance this month. On purpose. I’ve breathed words, but haven’t lived them enough. I’ve exhaled, but not done enough inhaling. It’s time to return to center, pause and look around, enjoy some deep, full breaths and return to life again.
    Lots of good stuff in this post — I recommend a full read, because I was tempted to quote the whole thing.

Grab your certificate, Zoie!

Moorea @ Mamalady- 30 per day
  • Spread Thin- But Plump with Photos:
    In case you didn’t know, I am fervently writing two books: a memoir and how-to. and November is also NaNoProgMo (progress on your book month)- so of course I am doing that, splitting the time between my two books. I will leave out the details there because it is rather bad luck in writing to tell too much about your unfinished manuscripts but I will just say : sleep and potty.

Rock on, Moorea!

From My Mind to the Page: 1 hr per day: 161,000 words written in November and December. Incredible!
  • THE ICARUS PROJECT: a novel in the works…:
    I started writing this story for the 2011 NaNoWriMo…a month of writing frenzy. As the entire NaNoWriMo writing process is dedicated to writing and not editing please bear with typos and potential story inconsistencies…sometimes the characters have a mind to change the story from the beginning to the end.

    The story is finished…on 21 December…

Such an accomplishment. Hope this helps you celebrate:

Lisa @ My World Edenwild = 15 min/day or more: 7.5 hours. Woohoo!
  • November Revisited:
    November, as I predicted, was a hectic month. I still needed to dedicate a month to working on my novel (as per my “accomplish 2010 list” you will see on my sidebar), and since November is National Novel Writing Month, and Teresa and Lauren came up with National Novel “Progress” Month (NaNoProgMo), I decided I would join in on the novel writing dedication, even though I knew that November was my busy time of year for photography sessions (“busy” meaning that whereas normally I get one photo session per every few months, in November I will get three photo sessions in one week! Just the one week, mind you…).

    Happily, I found one Saturday early in the month where I was able to spend about 7 hours reviewing and reworking earlier chapters of my book, fulfilling most of my goal for the challenge, and getting the rest in small intervals, until I got slammed with the photography work. The photography work I am grateful for. …

You win, Lisa!

Renae - 1 hour per day
  • Adding more tasks to my writerly to-do list.:
    Many of us are doing NaBloPoMo. I discovered a fledgling movement to start a National Novel Progress Month. I LOVE this idea. Even though there isn’t much time left in November, I jumped in. I hope the group decides to continue in the upcoming months.
    And we're glad you did!
  • National Blog Post Month ends in less than 60 minutes.:
    I’m hoping to participate in National Novel Progress Month for December, and beyond. Even if the group doesn’t tackle the task again, I will absolutely set a goal for myself and track my progress.

    Oh. I know one more thing:

    BONUS THOUGHT) I will be writing – something, somewhere – tomorrow. Because that’s what I do.

    So. That’s it. Congratulations to everyone who finished any of the November writing challenges. And congratulations to everyone who tried.
  • Amen!

You're inspiring me, Renae! Here's a big congrats:

November NaNoProgMos: If you have anything to add, let me know! I meant to start this article a bazillion years ago and contact you all personally to find out how things went, but, um, that didn't happen. See above about December re: black hole. I really am super impressed with all that you accomplished and hope you'll keep on making progress!

Join us in January!

I'm heartened and excited by what we accomplished in one short month. I love that we're keeping on keeping on, and seeing those word counts blossom and knowing this truth deep in our bones: We are writers.

Please join us for January 2012 for another round of National Novel Progress Month. Sign up on the linky below and let us know how much time you pledge to spend making progress on your writing.

You choose how much time you spend this month on writing. We find it easiest to pledge an amount per day, though you could break it up differently if you know you have one hour every weekend to devote. Your amount per day can be a fraction of an hour or multiple hours, whatever you find achievable. You are allowed to catch up if you fall behind. And, frankly, you're allowed to fail! Just do your best to make progress, and we'll be alongside doing the same.


Progress Certificate
If you rocked it with us in November, download or grab your free progress certificate now! They're featured below your name above, in case you somehow scrolled past and missed them…

Here's a blank one if you didn't sign up on the linky but want your prize!
Or if you let me know, I can make one just for you!

NaNoProgMo Gifts
A huge thank you to Teresa for the amazing gifts from Rock Paper Tree she sent out to every November participant! I know I feel inspired by my writer's crystal and so appreciate the thoughtfulness. Thank you!

Stay tuned for prizes to come…

Progress Meter
Teresa found this excellent free progress ticker source:
Ticker Factory

Here's mine, refreshed & ready to go:

  1. Choose an Exercise Ticker as the type.
  2. Enter your own password/pin, put in Hours for Units, enter your current progress, and put in your target for the whole month (e.g., if you chose 1 hour/day, you'd put 30 hours for the month). Your Message is whatever you want to title your ticker, so put something NaNoProgMo-inspirational!
  3. Pick your ticker & slider designs. Click on the numbers along the bottom to see all the designs available.
  4. On the last screen, you'll get the HTML code to add to your site in a post or a sidebar!
  5. Go back to Ticker Factory daily to update your total, and enjoy seeing your progress!
  6. If you used Ticker Factory last time, just wipe clean your hours and reset your goal, OR make a new ticker — your choice. If you wipe it clean and reset, you might want a screenshot first to save the memory of your progress!

Show off your NaNoProgMo participation with one of our cute buttons! Here are a few options for you:

Blog post size:
NaNoProgMo: National Novel Progress Month

200 pixel wide button:
NaNoProgMo: National Novel Progress Month

150 pixel wide button:
NaNoProgMo: National Novel Progress Month


What if it's after January 1, and you still want to join in? Then do it! Any time you spend working on your novel is worth it, right? And I'm sure we'll all still have more work to do in future months, too!

Why January? Why not? If January doesn't work for you, maybe you can catch us in another month soon! But our feeling on writing your novel is that the best time to do it is now.

Why "national"? We're mirroring NaNoWriMo on this one. We welcome everyone from any nation!

Why novel writing? We say novel, but you're free to choose another project if it's on your heart. I just recommend that you don't make it a project you would have done anyway, like how blogging is for me, but to reach into that drawer of abandoned manuscripts and pick one that really needs the love.

What if you get behind? Make up your hours on another day — or just move ahead. Whatever works for you! We know most of us who'll be doing this are parents and writers. We simply want to use the power of community to motivate all of us to take our writing seriously, and have a little fun in the process!

If you have questions to add or suggestions to offer, comment!

Get started!

Sign up on the linky to let us know you're traveling along!

You can include your name (optional) or pseudonym, blog name (optional), time per day or per month you're pledging, and what you're working on (optional). If you have a blog to link to, we'd love to visit you. If you don't, feel free to put in my blog URL as a placeholder.

On January 1, we begin, again.

Let's make some progress, together!

This linky list is now closed.

Photo Credit: abcdz2000 - sxc.hu


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