
Join us for NaNoProgMo: National Novel Progress Month!

Introducing National Novel Progress Month, or NaNoProgMo in cool-people terms! This is a joint undertaking of encouragement and motivation by Teresa from Write On, Mom! / Mom Grooves and Lauren from LaurenWayne.com / Hobo Mama.

Maybe you're like us — inspired by National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) but unable or unwilling to participate this year in writing a novel from scratch in November.

We'd like to offer you some support as you work on your novel writing in November, in whatever form it takes!

You get to choose how much time you'll spend per day working on your novel's progress.

Then we'll all work in community toward our individual goals!

NaNoProgMo is for you if one or more of these sounds like you:
  • You have a novel half-started and want to work on finishing it.
  • You have a novel finished but need to rework and edit sections.
  • You have research to do for your novel.
  • You have a novel edited but need to work on polishing or scheduling critiques.
  • You need a push to start shopping your novel around to agents or editors or looking into self-publishing.
  • You have another novel task on your plate!

Here's all you need to do to join us:
  • Sign up on the linky below so we can keep track of all the participants' progress. 
  • Enter your name and the number of hours you'll commit to work on your novel per day. (It can be a fraction of an hour if that's all you have!)
  • If you don't have your own blog, you can leave the link to one of our blogs in the space where it asks for a link. If you do have a blog, link it up so we can follow your writing online.
  • As you wish, connect with us:


Progress Meter
You want to keep track of progress, right? Teresa found this excellent free progress ticker source:
Ticker Factory

Here's mine:

  1. Choose an Exercise Ticker as the type.
  2. Enter your own password/pin, put in Hours for Units, enter your current progress, and put in your target for the whole month (e.g., if you chose 1 hour/day, you'd put 30 hours for the month). Your Message is whatever you want to title your ticker, so put something NaNoProgMo-inspirational!
  3. Pick your ticker & slider designs. Click on the numbers along the bottom to see all the designs available.
  4. On the last screen, you'll get the HTML code to add to your site in a post or a sidebar!
  5. Go back to Ticker Factory daily to update your total, and enjoy seeing your progress!

Show off your NaNoProgMo participation with one of our cute buttons! Here are a few options for you:

Blog post size:

200 pixel wide button:

150 pixel wide button:

Check back for other goodies, such as your winner's certificate!


What if it's after November 1, and you still want to join in? Then do it! Any time you spend working on your novel is worth it, right? And I'm sure we'll all still have more work to do in future months, too!

Why November? After completing NaNoWriMo for several years in a row, November just seems like it has the most international psychic wellspring of novel-writing motivation! If November doesn't work for you, maybe you can catch us in another month soon! But our feeling on writing your novel is that the best time to do it is now.

Why "national"? We're mirroring NaNoWriMo on this one. With just two of us right now, "national" is a little nod-and-wink. We welcome everyone from any nation!

What if you get behind? Make up your hours on another day — or just move ahead. Whatever works for you! We know most of us who'll be doing this are parents and writers. We simply want to use the power of community to motivate all of us to take our writing seriously, and have a little fun in the process!

If you have questions to add or suggestions to offer, comment!

Lauren @ LaurenWayne. com / Hobo Mama = 2 hrs per dayVisit
Tree @ Mom Grooves . com / Write On! Mom = 1 hr. per day finishing novelVisit
Stephen @ Poptrope . net = 1 hr. per day finishing novelVisit
Zoie @ TouchstoneZ - 30 minutes per dayVisit
Moorea@ Mamalady- 30per dayVisit
From My Mind to the Page: 1 hr per dayVisit
Lisa @ My World Edenwild = 15 min/day or moreVisit
Renae - 1 hour per dayVisit

This linky list is now closed.

Photo Credit: abcdz2000 / sxc.hu


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