Oh, me, oh, my! How did I forget that this is the first day of the 2011 PAD Challenge?
Who's with me?
The object of the game is to write a poem each day in the month of April. Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides will provide a daily prompt to put you in the mood.
And I'm not even bitter that none of my poems won any recognition last year. No, not a bit. Ok, a bit.
But, the good news is, I used last year's PAD Challenge to fill out my goal of writing more parenting poetry.
And I was able to collect those poems, and more from my journey as a parent so far, into a book of parenting poetry: Poetry of a Hobo Mama: The First Three Years.
Which makes me very, very happy I participated last year.
This year, my goal is to concentrate on chronicling some of the thoughts and emotions I've had during this pregnancy so far. Yep, working on that next book of parenting poetry! Even if I work on it only once a year…
Join me!
Photo courtesy surrealmuse on flickr (cc)
I'll think about it. It's tempting, but I might have to be more sensible about the whole thing.
@Seonaid: Sensible? Bah! ;) At least half my poems during this month are rubbish and many more are very rough drafts, but it's worth it for the increase in content and the scattered gems that come through. Also, you don't have to do every day if you don't want to — it's the idea, but no one's policing it, see?
You got me! Especially at "no one's policing it", ha ha.
Todays (rough) poem, done! Woot!
I'm in! And got 2 friends to join me. We created a private group on Facebook even to share each day's poems with each other. I surprised myself and cried writing my first one. It was on my miscarriage since my child would have been 4 soon.
@Kristin: Yippee! :)
@Julia: That's such a great idea. I'm so sorry — my miscarried baby would have turned 4 in October. I've written my share of poems about it, too, and it seems like it's a good part of the healing process, doesn't it?
Late to commenting, but wanted to say thank you for reminding me of this (I can't believe it's been a whole year!). I'm in!
Lauren, I'm in! There's no way I can write on every day, but I'll write as many as possible.
Did you post the ones that you wound up including in your book on your blog as you wrote them? Are you sharing your poems somewhere publicly this time around?
@Thomasin: Yea!
@Charise: Every poem counts, right? I didn't post them all, just a few. It's too embarrassing to post them all, when so many of them are crap on first draft. ;) (And some still on second and third…) Whoever wants to share with a wider audience can (a) post them on Poetic Asides in the comments or (b) post them on your own blog and FB/Tweet them — the hashtag for Twitter is #AprPAD.
I forgot to mention you can also submit your favorite 5 poems for the month to Robert Lee Brewer by May 5, for possible inclusion in a list of the top poems. Here are the rules: http://blog.writersdigest.com/poeticasides/2011/03/01/2011AprilPADPoemADayChallengeGuidelines.aspx
Although it seems to be taking on a momentum of its own, and now I just can't stop writing.
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