Are you a writer who also happens to love cloth diapers? Woot!
We need your high-quality and informative writing for the upcoming Natural Parents Network book, The Natural Parent's Guide to Cloth Diapering!
Submissions are due April 30.
We hope this book will be like a Cloth Diapers 101 class for anyone interested in finding out more about the subject — as well as an advanced course for those with particular questions and troubleshooting needs.
We invite you to submit one or more chapters having to do with any aspect of cloth diapering.
Please, as you're submitting, remember that this will be a chapter in a printed book. We want your best writing — please edit any blog posts to fit into a book's format and style, and please be thorough in what information you give. We want NPN's guide to be the "last word" in cloth diapering, and we will be judging submissions based on quality of writing and completeness of information.
Available Chapters
- Why cloth diaper?
- Environmental impacts
- Budgetary impacts
- Health impacts
- Effect on toilet independence
- The cuteness & coziness factors
- Prefolds, fitteds, flats, & diaper covers
- Materials/styles available
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Folding techniques
- Care and laundering
- All-in-ones & all-in-twos
- Materials/styles available
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Care and laundering
- Pocket diapers & inserts
- Materials/styles available
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Care and laundering
- Troubleshooting
- Leaking
- Nighttime cloth diapering
- Sizing problems
- Storage & diapering setup
- Smell (of diapers and of diaper pail)
- Cloth diapering a newborn
- Cloth diapering a preemie
- Cloth diapering a toddler or older child
- Diaper rash
- Diaper-frendly clothing choices
- Care & laundering
- Basic washing routine
- Detergents and additives
- Drying
- Stains
- Stripping
- Shared laundry
- Hand laundering
- Caring for wool
- Budget-friendly cloth diapering
- Number of diapers needed
- Affordable options
- Used diapers
- Diaper swaps
- Making your own
- Reuse & resale
- Encouraging reluctant users
- Dads or non-adapting family members
- Babysitters
- Daycare
- Traveling with cloth diapers
- Using a cloth diaper service
- Cloth diapering with elimination communication
- Diapering multiple kids
- Overview of helpful diapering accessories
- Cloth wipes
- Cloth wipe solutions
- Diaper sprayers
- Diaper pails
- Wet bags
- Lanolin & wool cleansers
- Pins & Snappis
How to Submit
Please submit your chapter(s) by April 30:- Send each chapter as a separate entry to Books {at} NaturalParentsNetwork {dot} com.
- Fill out the contest submission form for each chapter you submit so we can keep track of all entries.
Other Contributions
We are also looking for:- Your photos of all things cloth diapering
- Your favorite resources for cloth diapering
Good luck! We're excited to read your writing and thrilled to be offering this book to spread the love of fluff.
(See the original contest post for full details.)
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