I told myself I'd be better about making periodic progress posts for NaNoProgMo this time around. Easy enough, considering I haven't been making any progress!
Ok, that's not strictly true: I'm 1 hour into my 15-hour goal. Still, I haven't been working on my writing every day as I've meant to. I think setting my goal so low this month has made me feel like I can get behind, because catching up will be relatively easy. I was hoping I wouldn't take my half-hour a day as a maximum but as a minimum to get my momentum going. Um … yeah … I should have known me better.
Well, there's always next month!
I'm feeling discouraged about my mystery novel, the one I thought was almost finished last NaNoProgMo. I'm having Sam read it through for his second time after major revisions. I thought he might have some thoughts for tightening it up.
Well, be careful what you ask for, because he's only a third or so in, and he's already given me ideas for changing the whole direction of the novel.
I don't want to look a gift
I know in the end it's my book and I can choose to take or leave what I'm given with respect to revisions. That said, I knew there were issues with it that I wanted to resolve. I just thought I could resolve them without rewriting the whole stinking thing. Makes me want to burn it, if indeed, it were on something flammable instead of a glowing screen.
I should, then, be working on the NPN Cloth Diapering book. And I will. Eventually. I guess I'm feeling uninspired in general, and of course NaNoProgMo's supposed to cut through that baloney by saying, "You're waiting for an engraved invitation from your Muse? Get typing, doofus."
I think just writing this is kicking my butt into gear, so yea for a no-progress report!
We'd love to have more of you join us for National Novel Progress Month again this month! Sign up on the linky here. Remember, you can sign up for as little or as much progress as you choose — don't let life stand in the way of following your passion to write.
(I'm one to talk, right?)
How are you all doing? Slogging through or stalling or sprinting ahead?
What do you do with a project when you feel like running screaming from it?
Photo Credit: Rennett Stowe / Flickr
Photo Credit: abcdz2000 - sxc.hu
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