
National Novel Writing Month is coming: Are you with me?!

NaNoWriMo 09 participant badgeCross-posted from www.HoboMama.com

National Novel Writing Month is coming upon us. Starting Nov. 1, adventurous souls across the world will be writing 50,000 words of fiction in 30 days.

Are you up for the challenge?

I completed my first novel last year, and it's a high that's still going strong.

So if you're a person (like me) who has a stack of unfinished novels (it could be a figurative stack, if it's on your hard drive), take this opportunity to power through and become a novelist.

Go to NaNoWriMo.org to sign up or find out more, and use the last couple days of October to prepare. By that I mean, maybe think about a plot, but mostly just enjoy your last days of freedom!

I realize November is also NaBloPoMo, but I can't do both and function as a reasonable facsimile of a human being. If you can, more power to you.

Just wanted to make sure no one was missing this super fun, super irrational opportunity! Hope to see you there!


Lauren Wayne » Blog Archive » NaNoWriMo Decision comic said...

[...] an addendum to my last post, check out this [...]

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